Patriot Poem

Ethan Allen fought during the American Revolution as the

leader of the Green Mountain Boy’s,a

ragtag Militia made up of

setters of what

Ethan Allen

it now the

state Vermont.Allen joined the

Militia during the French and Indan war

,but did’t see any fighting ,he and his brothers.



Image result for pic of ethan allen in the revolutionary war







2017 has been the best year ever,because of the projecks. We did in Mrs Mcfalls class. My favorite thing is that we are starting  a new pashion projecked.Im doing the liberty of the sea it is what my mom an dad whent on there date.And Mr mac tout of how to grt on brain pop I mite get on it over the weekends.My brother Ethan and I are having the beast year ever because we art fiting or enything . I also  got to spend time with my dad because he wrealy only  stays for about 1 day but he got to stay for three days:). Im also making strate A.

Rememberance day

75 years ago 2,403 Americans were killed in the japanes surprise attack on pearl harbor ,Hawaii territory.The attack caused the United States go into world war two.The attack was carried out by Japan as preventative measure to stop the US pacific Fleet from interfering with japanes  war efforts in South East Asia.

Red Ribbion Week

Shortly after kikis death congressman Duncan Hunter and kikis high school friend Henry lozano launched camarena clubs in kikis   home town of calexexixo,california.Hundreds of club members pledged to  lead brug free lives to honor the sacrifice made by kiks     camarena.

Zombie dad

My mom was walking in the room.She heard a noise.It was dad eating Ethan while he was laughing because those were fake teeth.Mommy went to him and tickled him.Ethan ran and hit a door Iaughed.Then i said dad do you want to play  he said grrrr so i gabed his arm and ran and his arm came off.Ethan yeald i said cool.For some reson he            dabbed and whipped.Then we all had dinner togerther.Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for good by ps badder run befor he gits you    ;]